
Friday, March 12, 2010

BOE Looking at $110 Tax Increase

A $110 tax hike could hit Borough residents if the Board of Education's proposed "worst case" budget goes through next week, according to school board officials.

Residents saw no tax increase under the school board last year, and there was a 4-point tax cut the year before. But with higher salary costs, a large benefit increase, and a loss of state aid, school officials say taxpayers could see a rise this year.

The proposed budget presented by Superintendent Jose Negron assumes a 15% state-aid reduction, even though aid figures won't be announced until March 17 when the Governor gives his annual budget address. The proposal includes more than a dozen layoffs, as well as reductions in each school's budget for supplies.

The $110 increase would hit homeowners whose houses are assessed at $120,000, which is the Borough average. It's a 3% increase over last year. By state law, the most the board can increase taxes is 4%.


  1. There should be no tax increase in this economy! We can't afford it. The BOE has to do its job and cut the fat. It's there.

  2. Did you read the statement that began this item? There are ALREADY 3.7M in cuts. And you aren't the only one worried about their taxes. You think you have it bad in SP? Go live in just about any other town in Middlesex County and your taxes will be even worse. I'm sure the BOE will do the right thing for our kids and our taxpayers, no thanks to people like you.

  3. The school budget was flat last year and a 3% increase this year is not bad at all. I have no problem with that modest an increase.

  4. My comment at 8:04 was not meant to be an attack. I simply feel that there are places to cut. Maybe start with the big raises. They gave the principals and administrators more than the cap. See the Observer if you don't believe me. They give away the store to the unions. Everybody else is getting one or two percent, if anything. Maybe start reducing the benefits? People are losing their jobs and homes for goodness sake. My family is hurting, yet the schools act like they are immune from cost cutting because "it's for the kids." It's not. It's for unions.


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